Sunday, July 20, 2008

07 Utah Mule Deer

In October of 2007 I had a trip of a life time planned to the Yukon Territories to hunt giant moose and caribou. Because of bad weather conditions and a tight advertising schedule at work we had to cancel. Although I was happy that I didn't have to spend 10 days away from my family, I was heart broken that I missed my opportunity of a lifetime to hunt giant moose. I look forward to another chance to go someday.
Because I wasn't able to go moose hunting it meant that I was now able to hunt deer in my home state of Utah. I got a tag in the Northern region and planned a hunt. Weather conditions on the first day of the hunt were windy, it had the deer bedded up in thick cover. The afternoon of day 2 the wind finally died down and the hunt was on.

We spotted this deer on the skyline at 1300 yards away. We set the spotting scope up and took a look at him. I knew right away that I wanted to go after this deer. He had a nice frame, good front forks, and a hook coming off one side of his antler.

Light was fading fast and I had cut the distance down to 350 yards before I ran out of cover. The deer was above me on a steep incline. He had spotted me and it looked like he was going to split.

I got a good rest and took the shot. The deer went right down. I was so happy when I walked up to him. He had heavy bases, good front forks, and a 9 1/2 inch hook coming of his left side. The buck ended up grossing 188. My largest Mule deer to date.


Spencer said...

The pictures of this buck never get old.

Rich said...

Thanks Spence, you are a stud!